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Notes and essays

Hiya! I was an IGCSE and IB student who wanted to share her notes to help others improve their grades and have samples to guide them through their submissions :)

Hiya! I was an IGCSE and IB student who wanted to share her notes to help others improve their grades and have samples to guide them through their submissions :)
IBDP World Studies Extended Essay (Biology and Economics)

IBDP World Studies Extended Essay (Biology and Economics)

This is a World Studies Extended Essay focussing on biology and economics. It falls under the category of ‘science,technology and society’. The research question being ’ To what extent can the increased production of alternative proteins aid in achieving food security and economic growth in Singapore?’. It uses primary as well as secondary data to explore this area of research. This essay received the grade A in the may 2022 session. The essay can be used as an example of how to present interdisciplinary topics and relate back to the conclusion to receive a high grade.